Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sobel, Photo Assignment #4

Medium: Chef Jimmy leads the pig roast in Raleigh, N.C. 

Close-up: Who said the Sobel family doesn't know how to party?

Close-up: An absolutely disgusting shot of the pig's head.

Medium: Do you think being a college student is hard? Imagine being a dog at a pig roast.

Overall: My sister, Emily, stares as the overall scene of the pig roast is captured.

Bell, Audio Assignment #1

Final of Audio Assignment #1The first part of my audio assignment "Dining with Death."

Bernstein Audio Assignment #1

Below is the edited podcast

Melnick, Audio Assignment #1

Greenspan, Audio Assignment #1

Hyman, Audio Assignment #1

Dobrosielski Audio Assignment #1

DiBetta Audio Assignment 1

Beatus Audio Assignment 1

Miller, Audio Assignment #1

Outlaw, audio assignment #1

Evans, Audio Assignment #1

Rogers-Spatuzzi, Audio Assignment #1

Raigrodski Audio Assignment #1

Linton, Audio Assignment 1

King, Auto Assignment #1

Grim Audio Assignment #1

Jacobsen, Audio Assignment #1

Neimand, Audio Assignment #1

Loock, Audio Assignment #1

Megar, Aaron - Audio Assignment #1

Loock, Josh -- Photo assignment 4 feature

 Wallace D. Loh at the Ed Snider event at the Business School.
 Ed Snider sits waiting for his event to start. 
 Ed Snider, The owner of the Philadelphia Flyers, is interviewed at the Business School. 
 A street performer plays the drums outside of the metro in Chinatown.
A shot of a meal at the Ramen Noodle Restaurant DAIKAYA in Chinatown.  

Megar - Photo assignment #4: Lunch at SigEp

 Mike Scott loves his grapes.
 Why is there a ghost at the lunch table?
No caption necessary.
Few things are better than lunch with some brothers.

DiBetta Assignment 4

With these photos I wanted to capture students preparing for midterms. 

 Testudo has started get offerings
Students taking a break from cramming for midterms
 Coffee is the cure to get through midterms
Study groups meet up to divide up the work
 Students take advantage of white boards on the 2nd floor
Students hunkering down for a long night of studying

Outlaw, photo assignment #4

Terrapin Beats DJ spins during Terportunity Carnival. 

Random girl hulahooping.

Random girl juggling knives.
Woman informing student carnival participant.

Evans, Photo Assignment #4

Healthy options at UMD.

Beautiful peaches.

 Determining which one is the best for the picking

The wait to purchase some healthy treats. 

Greenspan Photo Assignment 4

This photo was taken at the rock climbing wall at the University of Maryland. I like this photo because all the climber's muscles are strained, and his focus is evident, even though his face cannot be seen.

I took this photo at the North Carolina volleyball game this weekend. I like this photo because the entire team has their arms around each other, symbolizing the team and camaraderie. I decided to keep the injured player in the photo because it shows everyone is part of the team, even if they are hurt. It also stands out because she is in all black, while the other players are in white.

I like this photo because it is pure joy. The bride is dancing with her father, and both faces are incredibly happy. It is obvious this is a wedding, and the happiness in their faces is relatable to everyone.

Raigrodski photo assignment #4

Bernstein Photo Assignment #4

Student fills cup with water in stir-fry line at South Campus Diner

Praying mantis inches forward

A warm day on South Campus

The moon casts an interesting light on South Campus

Hyman, photo assignment #4

Ari lounges with his beer while he listens to others talk in the Sukkah.

Jourdan laughs as she tries her prosciutto salad at Le Pain Quotidien in Washington, D.C. 
Abie opens a jar of pickles for his guests.
Abie fiercely debates with George in the Sukkah.

Rogers-Spatuzzi, Photo Assignment #4

Linton, Photo Assignment 4