A good project: Adult Swim - Kaptainkristian
Opening with Adult Swim’s signature sans-serif white text on
an empty void background as a means of describing the programming block was a
clever start for this video essay. Rather than taking stock images from Google
and describing their exact contents while a “Ken Burnsesque” slow-zoom pulls
the focus to a lifeless close up, Kaptainkritian carefully arranges his visual
plane. Different elements, photographs and narration are neatly knitted
together to project a sense of professionalism and passion not often seen in
the Youtube video essay community.
A bad project: Poor Video Quality Example – Charlie Hitchcock
While this video is merely an example of bad videos, and
while it does succeed in that, it non-verbally highlights a few ongoing tropes
in the vlog scene. First, remove the poor camera quality, stagnant lighting and
lack of a single cut. What you’re left with is cheesy, canned audio and unnecessary
camera filters that accomplish nothing. Though I’m fully aware this video is a
joke, it’s still just one breast-bearing thumbnail away from being mistaken for
the unquantifiable amount of video garbage available on the internet.
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