Friday, September 22, 2017

Photo Assignment #3, Politzer

Overall 1: Digital Media Club is a new club on campus. The club's first interest meeting had almost 100 attendees. 

Overall 2: DMC Special Events Chair Lily Ha gives her part of the presentation as she describes the club's upcoming workshops and guest speakers.

Medium 1: New members are encouraged to participate in an activity in which they write the digital media they are interested in learning more about on a Post-It note. The Post-It notes are placed onto poster board in the shape of the club's logo.

Medium 2: Social Media Chair Punit Khiyara and Web Designer Connor McDonald make final preparations before the meeting begins.

Detail 1: A new members focuses his DSLR as he demonstrates his loyalty to Team Sony.  
Detail 2: A new member scans a QR code that will add her to DMC's Facebook page.

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