Thursday, November 2, 2017

Pre-Video Assignment Murphy

Good Example: Ziggy Manages The Dodgers -

For a project and production like this, B-roll is necessary. The B-roll provided is well done with narrator to natural sound transitions. The background music isn't overbearing, but it's there to provide ambience. There are a lot of visuals, from Ziggy's house to all the shots of Dodger Stadium before, during, and after the game, which adds to the story in general. The narrator, while he talks over some of the B-roll, isn't the loudest voice in the piece. All of the subjects in the video, when talking, are able to be heard. Their voices might even be amplified, which is good for the audio side. The transitions between shots were smooth and followed the progression of the piece, from the announcement, to the game itself. Everything flowed very smoothly and it allowed for a beautifully told story. They made sure to take the subject matter of the video and make that the most important thing, which then led into the rest of the video. Overall, it was very well-done and well-produced and edited by whoever did the piece.

Bad Example: Penn State Multimedia Journalism Camp - 2013 Camp Video -

Two things to preface this: 1. I participated in this camp for two years, 2014-2015. 2. Penn State is utter garbage. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I just wanted to say that this video relies too much on photos than video. The transitions are tough to watch because the majority of what you are watching are photos rather than clips. All of the interviews done with students were done in the exact same room, making it monotonous. In terms of B-roll, there wasn't much to work with. There wasn't much external audio either, which is a result of the heavy and over-use of photos. Also, in terms of the interviews themselves, too much of the interview was showed. There wasn't enough B-roll or other things to dub over it after you see the person for the first 10 seconds or so. So not only was the majority of the video just photos, it was also mostly student interviews, there wasn't enough going on in-between shots.

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