Friday, November 4, 2016

Pre-video Assignment, Gallion

Good example:

This video was captivating to watch. The b-roll footage was filmed with interesting perspectives and helped to set the scene. I liked the use of voice overs and natural sound over the footage. The interviews were staged well, and I liked the use of facts flashing across the screen without them being read aloud. It provided more information than what was being said in interviews and through voice overs without making the video longer than it had to be.

Bad example:
I almost felt bad using this middle school project as an example of a bad video, but it does highlight many things not to do to produce a successful video. The shaky videos, some of them being horizontal phone videos, are distracting. Hands can be seen in the lens in several instances, while full heads are cropped sometimes. The staging of the video clips do not follow the rule of thirds and the sources are looking at the camera. The music overpowers speakers’ voices at times, and the photos used are disproportional and blurry.

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