Thursday, November 2, 2017

Pre-Video Assignment, Haynes

NPR- Harvesting Lunch with a Master Forager (Good Video)

This video follows a professional forager through the woods, as he collects and describes the various plants he eats. The audio and the video are very clear, with descriptions about what he's eating and how to eat them. Everything he's describing is matched with a visual that showcases it. The order makes sense: first go into the woods, describe everything, bring it back home, cook eat and eat it. There were different shots incorporated (wide shots, medium and close-up), and the graphics made the video more visually interesting.

City of Rockville- Canned Food Drive (Bad Video)

This video is from a local news station covering a canned food drive for Christmas. From the very start, the writing for narration isn't strong, and doesn't add anything more to the video than what people could have covered themselves through interviews. The interview set-up was also a little too wide, and audio was slightly quieter than the narration. There were also short, unnecessary cuts of different angles for something as simple as a donation box, which definitely wouldn't require more than two cuts. In addition, there are points where the bells from the music are loud and distract from the audio. Lastly, the camera was shaky and there were more pans than still-shots.

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