Friday, November 15, 2019

Pre-video Assignment, Jessica Schueckler

These two videos are my examples of good projects, even though the production quality, exposure and set are not so great. So considering those major flaws, the bad production of the videos can be pretty distracting to the cleverness of the concept or story.

However, I think what makes them good is the framing. For the first video, each "plot moment" really has one frame, and that prepares the person watching to understand or look for another idea. In the second video, the camera angles follow the perspectives of the two characters: for example, when the camera points up the stairs to where the person being chased is running, the next camera angle is of the murderer coming up the stairs. Because of this specific flow, there is continuity between frames.

So while both of these videos are bad, they're also both pretty good. I may be biased since my brother and his friend made them.

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