Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Pre-Video Assignment, Kumar

Good example:

This project, which is ironically about multimedia projects, is a great example of what we look for. It has numerous clips with a diverse set of audio clips. Towards the beginning, the audio comprises of different voices using one word to describe multimedia immersion. Although it begins with clips about a multimedia workshop, the project then follows one particular student's project about a Paralympian. The visuals here are incredible because they capture the student capturing his story. It then circles back to the workshop. Overall, this project incorporates video and audio, including natural sound, to bring to viewers a story about creating stories.

Bad Example:

Overall, this isn't a truly "bad example." The visuals generally flow well and the project is informative regarding fossil fuels. The main issue I found was in the audio. The music was simple and stayed constant throughout the project, but the speaker's voice did not blend very well with it. The music should not have overpowered the speaker's voice. Also, a small issue with the visuals was that the written facts disappeared very quickly and did not fully correlate with what the speaker was saying. I feel that the project should have had better audio/blend and more audio correlation with the visual facts.

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