Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Pre-Video Assignment, Reis

Vanessa Reis

Pre-Video Assignment

Good Multimedia project:
This is a strong multimedia project because it contrasts two distinct differences between Democratic and Republican women running for government positions. Furthermore, the New York Times does this using a variety of video editing that makes the video flow extremely smoothly and coherently. Background narration is heard while images of women running for government are shown, and several of these women's campaign advertisement videos are then played in between the narrator's comments on the significance and ideas behind each of these ads. All of these aspects go together very smoothly and make the video interesting, intriguing, and easy to understand and learn from, while their stance remains nonpartisan.

Bad Multimedia project:
This multimedia project is not good in my mind because there is no narration or explanation of what is going on, there is simply violence and yelling with no real context other than a vague title. I want to know what is going on in this video and why there is so much violence among these protesters. Furthermore, the opening is very abrupt and confusing.

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