Friday, April 7, 2017

Pre-Video Assignment, Boyd

Good Example of a Video Multimedia Project:
This is an example of a good multimedia project because there was a clear beginning, middle, and end. The video told the viewer a story, conveyed a clear message, and made the viewer care about the subject that was being discussed. There were a variety of visuals which was very appealing especially with the narration over them. I liked how when the narrator was talking, the visuals helped the viewer to be taken on a journey and it was easier to grasp the narrator’s words with the variety of visuals to help the viewer see exactly what the people in Syria is like. There were good interviews, although short, I thought they worked for the piece. The timed translation at the bottom of the screen was helpful and nice to add for the viewer to understand what the lady was saying. There were also good video content of the buildings/landscaping of Syria. I like how the images flowed through the screen, the panning was nice and smooth and there were a variety of angles. I really enjoyed watching this piece.

Bad Example of a Video Multimedia Project:
This is an example of a bad multimedia project because the interviews the ladies are in a laxed/inappropriate setting while the ladies are laying in their own beds. The interviews could have been conducted sitting a desk, in a chair, with a clean background. The bedroom background was very distracting and it left room for the viewers’ eyes to wonder, instead of paying attention one person and what they are saying. It probably would have been better to interview the ladies separately as well. When one lady was trying to answer a question the other one would chime in which made it difficult for the viewer to really understand and focus on what was actually being said. Also, the in between the still photos there was just a message on the screen to describe what the viewer was about to see in the photos that were coming up next. It would had a better effect to have some narration or more natural sounds over the still photos to explain what was going on instead of just being told. There were some good natural sounds of the ladies talking and their music throughout the project however, it was still confusing and as a viewer it was hard to grasp onto the main concept. The project did not convey a clear message on its own. I had to read the description below the video to understand what the project was really about.

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